About Us
Our church is led by a group of men and women who have committed their lives to Jesus and dedicated their time to doing His work here in our community.
From left to right
Pastor Kris Marriage
Doug Reid (Chairman)
Dan Matko (Vice-Chairman)
Marty Gach (Elder-Deacon Liason)
From left to right
Jerry Kleinsorge
Curtis Gach
Joe Maroli
Doug Chismar
Marty Gach (Chairman)
From left to right
Bonnie Hannan
Joyce Rusnak
Patty Fleenor (Chairwoman)
Other Leaders
From left to right
Sook Reid (Children's Coordinator)
Wendy Bruening (Missions & Worship Lead)
Heather Bayer (Youth Coordinator)
Brandon Mascella (Men's Coordinator)